A healthy diet and a healthy physical routine are as crucial for your health as a night of proper sleep. However, one of the most neglected parts of one’s daily activities as the world is running towards finding success. Lack of sleep has multiple adverse effects on your mental and physical state, making it essential to understand what and why it is important.

Why is sleep important?

It is an ever-changing condition of consciousness where you have limited interactions with your surroundings. According to research conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, it stated that sleep is as vital for survival as food and water.

It is a natural process where your body gets rid of toxins that it has collected throughout the day, and it is the process of recovery so you can face the next day’s activities. Lack of sleep can make you irritated and agitated the next day and may even have negative physical health impacts.

What happens when you are sleep deprived?

There are long-term and short-term concerns associated with insufficient sleep. 

Short-term problems include 

  • Lack of alertness
  • Excessive daytime sleep
  • Impaired memory
  • Impact on relationships
  • Pervasive mood swings, etc. 

The long-term problems are- 

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure or stroke
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Reduced immune system function. 

Both short and long-term problems can be life-threatening. Maintaining a proper sleep cycle can be difficult, especially if you have had a disoriented one before. Once you understand its importance the impact it has on your life, you may be motivated to follow and keep up a proper cycle. 

5 reasons why good sleep is important for health

1- Improved immunity

Various studies have shown that lack of sleep resulted in a 13 percent increased risk of contracting fatal heart disease. Your body gets rid of the toxins collected throughout the day while you are asleep, and this helps your immune system recover and function the next day. 

2- Improves emotional health

Inadequate or improper sleep is likely to result in irritation, forgetfulness, fatigue, and mood swings. A low mood can significantly impact the activities of the day where you may not feel like socializing or get easily angry with people. This may affect your work or studies and your relationship with people.

3- Positive impact on physical health

Getting the required amount of sleep would decrease the chances of health issues, from inflammation in the body to severe heart disease. Sleep is your body’s natural way of recovery. With good sleep, your body recovers from previous physical injuries on/in the body resulting in improved physical health and a decreased chance of contracting severe health conditions. 

5- Keeps weight in control

One of the most common causes of increased weight is “midnight munchies.” People develop Bulimia which is an eating disorder where you binge eat uncontrollably. Research has shown that proper sleep keeps your gut health and is responsible for controlling urges to eat, while binge eating begins with a faulty mood. For example, a Nutella waffle when you are feeling low, a night of proper sleep is likely to help you keep your weight in check and stay healthy when followed by a good diet.

4- Increased productivity

Proper sleep is known to boost brain function and keep your brain healthy. Good sleep is essential for your brain to work optimally. If you haven’t got enough rest, your brain will be overworked, and that will result in decreased productivity during the day. Lack of sleep may also make you physically and emotionally tired. The proper functionality of the brain needs to get a good sleep. 


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder due to which it is tough to fall asleep and later stay asleep. There are various reasons why you might have difficulty or trouble sleepingWith insomnia, there are multiple health risks as well, and it becomes crucial to understand there are two kinds of insomnia, acute and chronic.

Acute insomnia lasts for a short period, while chronic insomnia lasts more than six months. Acute insomnia can change to chronic insomnia if not treated. You can treat sleeping disorders like insomnia with behavioral change and by following sleep hygiene along with maintaining a sleep cycle. In some cases, your doctor will prescribe you medications that will help you fall asleep faster.

Sleep medications

Certain drugs are used to induce sleep and help you stay sleepy. Doctors usually prescribe medicines like Ambien and Zolpidem for patients with insomnia. These drugs function as a sedative that allows your body and brain to relax, resulting in sleep initiation. However, its medications like Zolpidem have a high chance of misuse or abuse due to their effects, so it would be best to use them in moderation as your doctor prescribes.

Ambien is a fast-acting drug, and you should have it an hour before you go to bed and only use it if you have enough proper time of 7 to 8 hours or you will feel sedated after you wake up.


It is an essential process required for basic survival, and it impacts all body parts, including mental and physical health. Getting a night of good sleep is vital to understand, while the repercussions of inadequate sleeps may have short-term and long-term impacts on your health. G

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